Body Positive Conditoning

30 minutes of Body Positive Conditioning!  Let’s work together to focus on loving ourselves as we are, and change our negative internal script to one of compassion, acceptance, and living in the solution. This doesn’t mean we stop working towards our fitness goals, but we’re going to guide ourselves there with kindness. 

What to expect: 

10 minutes of script flipping- what positive affirmation can squash at least one negative body image thought this week? 

15 minutes of movement catered to your comfort and fitness level
(two minutes of cardio* and 1 minute of strength) 

5 minutes of cool-down and stretching, reflecting on your positive affirmation
can be done seated or low impact

-Private Virtual or In-Studio Coaching $60 for 45 minutes
Includes FREE virtual Jump-Start Consultation.

– Burnalong Online Platform 9am on Fridays 

Use discount codes BPC23M or BPC23A for Monthly or Annual memberships

Banner photo by Laura Tancredi on Pexels